Curious about what it's like to work with a coach? 

Whether you're a leader that's on the move, a business owner that need some help motivating your team or a coach that needs to get some traction in your business, Christi can identify where you need the most help and equip you to be impactful!  Check out how she works with her clients below.

Execs + leaders

Learn how to equip yourself before you can best enable those around you!  Sound novel and you're open to learning? 

Ooo, this is me

Business owner

Do you need some energy with specific topics?  Does your team need to get clear on their strengths?  How about the business WHY and how you can be more effective as a group?  

Yes, my biz needs some Christi

Professional coach

Have you gotten started on your coaching and business building journey only to have stalled out a few years later?  Need some help focusing on the most impactful things so you can stop chasing all the things?

A bit of help please


Not ready for coaching just yet, but need one, little thing that will get you moving in the right direction?

Let me see what first steps might look like